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Soft Matter and Complex Systems Seminar

sala 17, ul. Pasteura 7
2017-06-09 (09:30) Calendar icon
Łukasz Jasiński (Polish Geological Institute, Wrocław)

Flow in a propped fracture – numerical simulations and experiments

Flow patterns in a propped fracture govern transport processes, what is linked to oil/gas extraction or CO2 sequestration effectiveness. Considered fracture is built of two plane walls with one layer of propping agent in between them. The shape of the proppant grains are approximated by circular cylinders.

Firstly, the 2.5D upscaled single phase flow model through such fracture is proposed, solved numerically by means of the Finite Element Method and validated against analytical and 3D numerical solutions. Results of systematic flow calculations are discussed in terms of effective fracture transmissivity as a function of proppant packing fraction, distribution and fracture aperture to proppant diameter ratio.

Secondly, two phase flow experiments are performed as an analogue of flow of supercritical CO2 – H2O through a propped fracture under in-situ conditions.


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