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Seminarium Fizyki Materii Skondensowanej

sala 1.02, ul. Pasteura 5
2017-06-02 (12:15) Calendar icon
Maria Ekiel-Jeżewska (IPPT PAN)

Dynamics of flexible fibers in shear flow

In the literature, the typical suggested pattern of a single flexible fiber's evolution has been based on the concept of consecutive threshold values of the characteristic ratio A of bending forces to hydrodynamic forces (proportional to shear rate of the external flow), related to activation of consecutive characteristic fiber shapes or their sequences.In our joint work with A. Słowicka and H. A. Stone, we demonstrate that for the same value of A, different modes of the dynamics, which correspond to different characteristic shapes, can be observed, depending on the initial fiber configuration or orientation. Moreover, we show examples of fiber evolution with very long characteristic timescales,and with a long-lasting transient quasi-periodic mode which later changes into a different mode, with another shapesequence. Different modes can be observed consecutively during simulation of the same fiber.


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