Seminarium Teorii Względności i Grawitacji
sala 1.40, ul. Pasteura 5
Jan Kwapisz (CENT UW)
Conformal Standard Model and Inflation
We present a possible inflation scenario as a consequence of non-minimal gravitational couplings in the Conformal Standard Model. That model consists, in comparison to the SM, of additional right-chiral neutrinos and a complex scalar sextet which, in distinction to the Higgs boson, is not coupled to the SM particles. The inflation is driven by two non-minimally coupled fields. One of those is the SU(2) Higgs-like doublet and the second is associated with the trace of the sextet. These two fields are related to the Higgs particle and “shadow”, heavier Higgs via the mass mixing matrix. Since these type of models, with non-minimal coupling(s), can match the observational data related to inflation, they are of high interest. For this particular model, as it turned out, the tensor to scalar ratio and spectral tilt match the current data for a wide range of parameters. The unitary evolution violation above M_P/√ξ will be also investigated and a possible, natural within CSM, solution will be presented.