Seminarium Fizyki Ciała Stałego
Controlled-heating of a driven-dissipative polariton condensate
In order to add even more confusion to this question, we determined that phonons at elevated temperatures (T=[150K-250K]) can be used to warm up a polariton condensate in a tunable and controlled way, and with a thermal power output large enough to beat the single particle loss rate. We demonstrate with this method that a polariton condensate can be tuned continuously from a regime dominated by drive and dissipation (w=0), to a regime in which thermal fluctuations contribute as much (w=1) and even more (w=2.3) to the phenomenon. We find that for increasing w, the condensate properties acquire reminiscence from both regimes: a condensate thermal depletion channel opens up, the first-order correlation length shrinks, and the driven-dissipative vortices get disconnected by the thermal fluctuations.
From the thermodynamical point-of-view, this "halfway" regime (w~1) is unique, as it is connected to two different phenomena, each belonging to a different universality class, in a way which is to be clarified in future theoretical works.