Środowiskowe Seminarium Fizyki Atmosfery
sala 1.01, ul. Pasteura 5
dr Gustavo Abade (Institute of Geophysics Faculty of Physics WU)
Broadening of cloud droplet spectra through turbulent entrainment and eddy hopping
This seminar is concerned with the effects of cloud turbulence and turbulent entrainment on the CCN activation and evolution of the cloud droplet-size spectrum. We simulate an ensemble of idealized turbulent cloud parcels that are subject to stochastic entrainment events.Turbulent mixing inside the parcel, supersaturation fluctuations, and the resulting stochastic droplet activation and growth by condensation are simulated using a Monte Carlo scheme. We show that turbulence plays an important role in aiding entrained CCN to activate, broadening the droplet-size distribution towards both small and large sizes.Bieżące informacje o seminarium: Broadening of cloud droplet spectra through turbulent entrainment and eddy hopping