Seminarium Fizyki Ciała Stałego
sala 0.06, ul. Pasteura 5
prof. Amalia Patane (School of Physics and Astronomy The University of Nottingham)
From epitaxy to science and processing technologies of novel van der Waals crystals
The development of van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures made by stacking twodimensional (2D) crystals has led to the discovery of new phenomena and therealization of 2D functional devices ranging from sensitive phototransistors totunnel diodes. The electronic properties of these devices can be modified notonly by careful selection of the materials within the stack, but also byadjusting the built-in strain and relative orientation of the componentcrystalline layers. Among these vdW crystals, the metal chalcogenide InSe compoundrepresents a new exfoliable and stable semiconductor that expands the currentlibrary of vdW crystals. Our recent demonstration of FETs with electronmobility higher than in Si-FETs, and the observation of “giant” quantum Hallplateau and fast broad-band photodiodes has revealed the great potential ofthese materials. In this talk I will review the research at Nottingham on thisnew class of 2D layered compounds. From the growth and fabrication of vdWheterostructures to the demonstration of prototype devices, I will discuss howthese layers can provide a platform for scientific investigations and newroutes to 2D electronics and optoelectronics [1-5].
1. G.W. Mudd et al., Advanced Materials 25, 5714(2013); ibidem 27, 3760 (2015).2. G.W. Mudd et al., Scientific Reports 6, 39619(2016).3. N. Balakrishnan et al. 2D Materials 4, 25043(2017).4. D.A. Bandurin et al. Nature Nanotechnology 12, 223,(2017).5. Z.R. Kudrynskyi et al. Physical Review Letters 119,157701 (2017).
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1. G.W. Mudd et al., Advanced Materials 25, 5714(2013); ibidem 27, 3760 (2015).2. G.W. Mudd et al., Scientific Reports 6, 39619(2016).3. N. Balakrishnan et al. 2D Materials 4, 25043(2017).4. D.A. Bandurin et al. Nature Nanotechnology 12, 223,(2017).5. Z.R. Kudrynskyi et al. Physical Review Letters 119,157701 (2017).
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