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Seminarium "The Trans-Carpathian Seminar on Geometry & Physics"

sala 106 IM PAN, ul. Śniadeckich 8, Ip
2018-01-17 (14:15) Calendar icon
Adam Sawicki (CFT)

Convexity of the momentum map and quantum entanglement

Symplectic and algebraic geometry tools have proven to be very useful for the description of quantum correlations. They not only provide a mathematically consistent way of phrasing these problems but also offer an insight which is not available with linear algebra approach. In this talk I will discuss ideas and concepts standing behind these methods. First I will review the connection between symmetries of symplectic manifolds and the momentum map. Then I will study the situation when the considered symplectic manifold is the complex projective space of the multi-particle Hilbert space. In particular I will discuss connections with the Kirwan-Ness stratification and the Brion’s convexity theorem that lead to the concept of the entanglement polytope. Entanglement polytopes have been recently proposed as a way of witnessing multipartite entanglement classes using single particle information. I will present first asymptotic results concerning feasibility of this approach for large number of qubits.


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