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Exact Results in Quantum Theory & Gravity

sala 1.40, ul. Pasteura 5
2018-01-19 (14:15) Calendar icon
Maciej Kolanowski (FUW)

SYK model and beyond

AdS/CFT correspondence is conjecture about connections between conformal field theory in d dimensions and gravity with negative cosmological constant in (d+1) dimensions. Despite its huge popularity, it is not yet well understood because any test demands great deal of complicated calculations. As a result, people are tend to work on some low-dimensional toy models. I will discuss one of them – SYK model, theory which is supposed to be dual to 2-dimensional black hole spacetime. After that, we will focus on another (slightly non-equivalent) formulation of SYK model as Gurau—Witen theory which seems to be more natural one. Last but not least, we shall discuss recent generalization conjectured by Klebanov and proven in [1].Talk partially based on:[1] arXiv:1712.00249


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