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Seminarium Fizyki Wielkich Energii

sala B2.38, ul. Pasteura 5
2018-04-06 (10:15) Calendar icon
prof. dr hab. Jan Krolikowski (IFD UW)

Prospects for precision Higgs measurement at HL_LHC and future colliders

LHC run II at 13 TeV will amass ~ 150/fb of pp luminosity by the end of 2018. The higgs sector is, up to now, the only discovery made in LHC, the searches for the BSM signatures have, so far, been unsuccessful. Thus, the precise measurements of the higgs sector remain the only well defined experimental programme for the future colliders. Presently achieved precision in higgs production and decays @ the LHC will be discussed and compared to that required to answer the pressing physics questions in quest for BSM physics. The projected precisions at HL-LHC, ILC, CLIC, CEPC and FCC future projects will be briefly discussed.


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