Środowiskowe Seminarium z Informacji i Technologii Kwantowych
sala 1.03, ul. Pasteura 5
Michał Matuszewski (IFPAN)
Quantum optics and quantum simulation with exciton-polaritons
The physics of quantum fluids of light and the related field of nonequilibrium condensation experience dynamic development in recent years. The experimental realization of exciton-polariton condensates ten years ago provided vast possibilities for investigating nonequilibrium quantum systems on an entirely new level, important for understanding of fundamentals of nonequilibrium physics. At the same time, prototypes of devices for applications, such as low-threshold polariton lasers, quantum-enhanced interferometers or low-loss polariton circuits, have been realized.In this talk I will describe the basic theory of exciton-polaritons as well as their relevance to the field of quantum optics. While most of the experiments conducted to date remained in the classical or semiclassical regimes, there is a strong incentive and experimental effort towards the realization of quantum regime. I will describe recent experiments as well as theoretical proposals for the demonstration of quantum entanglement, photon blockade, and quantum simulation in this compact, scalable platform. I will show that recent demonstrations of polariton lattices in semiconductor microcavities, in combination with their extraordinary nonlinearities, place polaritons as one of the promising candidates to achieve quantum simulation in an open system.