Konwersatorium im. Jerzego Pniewskiego
sala nr 0.03 (parter) przy ul. Pasteura 5
dr Justyna Łagoda, prof. Ewa Rondio (National Centre for Nuclear Research)
Nobel 2015 in physics: Neutrinos oscillate, so they have mass!
The seminar will start from the landscape in neutrino physics before results from Super Kamiokande and SNO experiments. The measurements, recently honored with the Nobel prize, and their interpretation will be presented in the first part. The second part of the presentation will show the continuation of the neutrino oscillation studies up to most recent result and remaining questions.
Referat zostanie wygłoszony w ramach wspólnego posiedzenia konwersatoriów im. J. Pniewskiego i L. Infelda.
Jan Kalinowski, Jerzy Kijowski, Czesław Radzewicz, Wojciech Satuła, Janusz Skalski