Seminarium Zakładu Biofizyki
sala B2.38, ul. Pasteura 5
dr Anaïs Depaix (IFD UW)
Odporne na hydrolizę analogi NAD w badaniach RNA zawierających kap ze znacznikiem NAD
Hydrolysis-resistant NAD analogs for studies of NAD-capped RNAs
Seminarium wygłaszane w języku angielskim.
NAD is mostly known as a cofactor in enzymatic reactions. Interestingly, it has recently been discovered that NAD serves also as a 5’-end modifying molecular tag in some bacterial and eukaryotic RNAs. The role of this modification is not yet understood but it has been established that this NAD-linked RNA, in both bacterial and mammalian cells, are targeted by specific hydrolytic enzymes and consequently play an important role in RNA turnover. During the seminar, I will present the synthesis of a set of NAD cap analogs containing chemical modifications that reduce their susceptibility to deNADding enzymes. I will show you that these analogs can be incorporated into transcripts as well as biochemical studies of resulting NAD-capped RNAs.