Seminarium Fizyki Materii Skondensowanej
sala 1.02, ul. Pasteura 5
Krzysztof Wohlfeld (IFT UW)
Using the magnon language to describe a 1D spin problem
Quite often a 2D spin problem can be well-described in terms ofnoninteracting magnons. On the other hand, a 1D spin model is usuallysolved using the so-called spinon (magnetic domain wall) language.Here we concentrate on a specific 1D magnetic problem, described bythe Ising Hamiltonian and an electronic hopping term (the so-calledt-Jz model), and show how to solve it in the magnon language[arXiv:1809.07120]. Interestingly, the “spinon result” can bereproduced exactly only when the magnon-magnon interactions areproperly included and once an infinite number of magnons is kept inthe calculations. This result demonstrates how a single spinoncorresponds to an infinite number of magnons.