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Seminarium "Teoria i Modelowanie Nanostruktur"

sala 1.02, ul. Pasteura 5
2018-12-13 (17:15) Calendar icon
dr Magdalena Birowska (IFT UW)

Chemical phase separation as origin of nematic properties of alloys

In plane rotational symmetry breaking commonly occurs for many materials, such as unconventional superconductors (e. g. CuxBi2Se3), ferromagnetic semiconductors (e. g. Ga1-xMnxAs), or quantum wells with e. g. AlxGa1-xAs. These nematic properties are usually attributed to spontaneous breaking of symmetry, i.e. a phase transition induced by correlations. I will present the thesis that the frozen anisotropy of the distribution of alloy components, which arises during the crystal growth, corresponds for the breaking of rotational symmetry, as illustrated by the example of two alloys In In1-xFexAs and Ga1-xMnxAs. In this seminar I will present the results of the ab initio calculations concerning the anisotropic chemical phase separation of these materials. I will show that the frozen anisotropic distribution of alloy components is responsible for magnetic or magnetic transportproperties, which will be discussed on the example of magnetoresistance anisotropic (AMR) In1-xFexAs and Ga1-xMnxAs.


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