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Środowiskowe Seminarium z Informacji i Technologii Kwantowych

sala 1.03, ul. Pasteura 5
2019-03-21 (11:15) Calendar icon
Jan Krzywda (IFT UW)

Theory of coherent spin transfer between two silicon quantum dots

Recently experimentalists have been attempting to use theelectron spin as flying qubit in the silicon nanostructures, which haveestablished its position as the most promising platform for quantumcomputation. Not only will I describe why the latter is believed, but alsocarefully explain the electron shuttling in terms of everlasting Landau -Zener problem. Contrary to common believe this ubiquitous case ofadiabatic evolution and level crossing, here extended to the multiplelevels due to specific electronic structure of silicon, can be viewed fromvarious perspectives including: special function approach, quantuminformation theory, interferometry, noise spectroscopy or evenKibble-Żurek mechanism.Although my main task would be to show some of these interconnections andhence investigate how shuttling affects qubit coherence, as a side effectthe minute introduction to mostly unknown valley physics will be given.


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