Seminarium Zakładu Biofizyki
sala B2.38, ul. Pasteura 5
prof. Leonora Bużańska (Kierownik Zakładu Bioinżynierii Komórek Macierzystych, Instytut Medycyny Doświadczalnej i Klinicznej PAN)
Organoidy - nowe narzędzie badania rozwoju mózgu człowieka
Brain Organoids – emerging tool to study human neurodevelopment
Prezentacja w języku angielskim
Organoids are 3D tissues cultured in vitro, that capture some of the key multicellular, anatomical and even functional hallmarks of real organs at the micrometre to millimetre (µm to mm) scale. The lecture will recapitulate molecular mechanisms of organoid formation based on the amazing ability of stem cells for self-assembly and pattern formation. To what degree development of brain organoids can recapitulate human neurodevelopment? Can we take the advantage of this break-through technology to model neurodevelopmental disorders and to advance personalized treatment and drug screening? Above and other questions will be addressed during this lecture.