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Seminarium Zakładu Biofizyki

sala B2.38, ul. Pasteura 5
2019-05-24 (14:15) Calendar icon
dr Joanna Kowalska (IFD UW)

Nucleotide probes for monitoring enzymatic activity

Prezentacja w języku angielskim
Fluorescent and fluorogenic nucleotide analogs are invaluable molecular tools for studying enzymatic processes and discovering enzymatic inhibitors. We have been exploring a variety of phosphate group modifications to develop single and dually labeled nucleotide probes for pyrophosphatase activity monitoring. We are particularly interested in DcpS, which is a decapping enzyme involved in 3’-to-5’ mRNA degradation pathway and a therapeutic target in spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Our long term goal is to develop probes enabling high throughput studies on recombinant DcpS as well as monitoring DcpS activity in cell extracts and living cells. During my talk I will summarize our recent efforts towards the development of activity probes for DcpS and other pyrophosphatases.


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