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Środowiskowe Seminarium Fizyki Atmosfery

sala B0.14, ul. Pasteura 5
2019-11-29 (13:15) Calendar icon
Konstantina Nakoudi (Alfred Wegener Institute, Potsdam, Germany)

Aerosol investigation in the Arctic by means of Lidar remote sensing

As anthropogenic climate change drives major changes in the Arctic environment, the loss of sea ice is resulting in significant changes in both natural and anthropogenic Arctic aerosol. Aerosol can have significant impact on Arctic climate through aerosol-cloud and aerosol-radiation interactions.However,aerosol still entail high uncertainty in the estimation of their radiative forcing, especially in the Arctic region. Thus, a better understanding of the aerosol-related feedbacks is crucial especially in the rapidly changing Arctic environment, where near-surface temperature increase is higher compared to mid-latitudes (Arctic Amplification). The Arctic atmosphere is characterized by high aerosol load during spring due to intensified advection of air-masses from mid-latitudes (Arctic Haze season). Recently, persistent air-masses from North East Asia, have been identified over different regions of the European Arctic by the synergy of ground-based and air-borne Lidar systems. The retrieved optical properties revealed relatively small particles of spherical shape, with Lidar Ratios indicating aged biomass burning particles. The derived aerosol properties were utilized to estimate the aerosol radiative impact. In my talk I will present insights from this aerosol transport event and discuss its impact on the local radiative budget. This work has been conducted within the frame of my PhD project in the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research.


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