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Środowiskowe Seminarium Fizyki Atmosfery

sala B0.14, ul. Pasteura 5
2019-12-06 (13:15) Calendar icon
mgr Dominika Szczepanik (IGF UW)

Lidar measurements at the EARLINET site in Warsaw in view of ACTRIS QA & QC recommendations

The PollyXT-type lidar at the Remote Sensing Laboratory provides unique data for the EARLINET/ACTRIS Data Base. Specifically, the delivered profiles are evaluated for both day and nighttime solely with the classical Raman retrieval. Moreover, those profiles comprise complete sets of wavelength-dependent particle backscatter and extinction coefficients and depolarization ratios (3β+2α+2δ), all averaged with the same temporal and height resolution and smoothing. The number of data files provided form July 2013 to December 2018 is impressive being of 1348 high-resolution, so-called, b-files and 851 low-resolution e-files.Firstly, a short description of the EARLINET/ACTRIS Data Base will be given, including discussion of the quality assurance procedures and quality control tests, the uniqueness of the climatology category measurements and the rules of providing the profiles to the database. Then, the seminar will be focused on the Warsaw RS-Lab data and evaluation chain, uncertainty estimation, as well as the results of the international lidar intercomparison campaign which took place in June 2018. Finally, the average Warsaw profiles derived over the different categories in the EARLINET/ACTRIS Data Base will be discussed.


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