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Środowiskowe Seminarium z Informacji i Technologii Kwantowych

sala 1.03, ul. Pasteura 5
2019-10-17 (11:15) Calendar icon
Sreetama Das (IFT UW)

Quantum Information Processing in Noisy Environments

We will discuss various quantum informatic aspects of a system,when it is interacting with an environment and the effects of disorder on the system induced by the environment. In the first part, we will identify a set of dynamical maps of open quantum system, and refer to them as “epsilon-Markovian” maps. It is constituted of maps that possibly violate Markovianity but only a “little". We will analytically derive a bound on the epsilon-nonmarkovianity of a dynamical map, in terms of an entanglement-like resource generated between the system and its “immediate” environment.We will next show that one can construct a quantum absorption refrigeratorthat provides refrigeration only in the transient regime, by using threeinteracting qubits, each of which is also interacting with its own localheat-bath. The machine either does not provide cooling in the steadystate, or the steady state is achieved after a long time.If time permits, we will discuss a freezing effect of quenched disorder ina Hubbard model and a localization-like phenomenon due to a similardisorder in a quantum random walk.References:Almost Markovian maps and entanglement-based bound on correspondingnon-Markovianity, arXiv:1905.06198.Necessarily transient quantum refrigerator, arXiv:1606.06985.Adiabatic freezing of entanglement with insertion of defects inone-dimensional Hubbard model, arXiv:1708.07005.Inhibition of spreading in quantum random walks due to quenchedPoisson-distributed disorder, arXiv:1806.04024.


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