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Exact Results in Quantum Theory

sala 1.40, ul. Pasteura 5
2019-11-15 (14:15) Calendar icon
Michał Tomza (IFT UW)

Reaching the quantum regime of ultracold ion-atom collisions: theory guides experiment

Hybrid systems of laser-cooled trapped ions and ultracold atoms combined in a single experimental setup have recently emerged as a new platform for fundamental research in quantum physics. Reaching the ultracold s-wave quantum regime is one of the most important challenges in this field at the moment. Unfortunately, the lowest attainable temperatures in experiments using the Paul ion trap are limited by the possible rf-field-induced heating related to the micromotion. In my seminar, I will present how in collaboration with experimental groups from Amsterdam and Stuttgart we have overcome this limitation and how electronic structure theory and exact nuclear dynamics simulations guided and explained experimental efforts.


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