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Seminarium Optyczne

sala B2.38, ul. Pasteura 5
2019-11-21 (10:00) Calendar icon
Dr Krzysztof Jachymski (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Niemcy)

Quantum simulation of extended polaron models using hybrid ion-atom platform

Hybrid quantum systems of ultracold trapped atoms and ions provide> exciting opportunities for quantum chemistry, few-body physics and> quantum simulation. In contrast to optical lattices, trapping atoms> within ion crystals allows to make use of the intrinsic phonon structure> of the medium. This allows for natural realization of analogues of solid> state systems with tuneable properties. Strong ion-atom interactions> naturally give rise to to atom-phonon coupling needed for polaron> physics to emerge. I will discuss the prospects for simulation of> different parameter regimes from weak to strong coupling polarons and> the possibility of tuning the range of the effective interactions in> order to realize exotic many-body states.


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