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Środowiskowe Seminarium Fizyki Atmosfery

sala B0.14, ul. Pasteura 5
2019-12-13 (13:15) Calendar icon
mgr Dongxiang Wang (IGF UW)

Aerosol and cloud properties from synergy of lidar, radar and radiometer measuremnets

The EMORAL lidar (UW), the BASTA cloud radar (LATMOS), and the HATPRO-G2 microwave radiometer (INOE) observations were conducted jointly over the PolWET peatland site in Rzecin (PULS) during the POLIMOS field campaigns (ESA).The EMORAL lidar measures in 8 channels: elastic (355/532/1064 nm), inelastic Raman (387 and 607 nm for N2, and 408 nm for H2O) and elastic cross-polarized (355 and 532 nm), with 3.75 m vertical resolution and adjustable temporal resolution (2s to 10 min). A 95-GHz Doppler cloud radar called the Bistatic Radar System for Atmospheric Studies (BASTA) uses a frequency–modulated continuous wave (FMCW) technique. The main products are reflectivity and Doppler velocity, obtained with 12.5 m, 25 m and 100 m vertical resolution and 3 s time resolution. The HATPRO-G2 microwave radiometer consists of two working bands at 22–31 and 51–58 GHz, each with seven channels. Measurements with a temporal resolution of 15 s and a height-dependent vertical resolution provide integrated water vapor, liquid water path and vertical profiles of relative humidity and temperature.During my talk the POLIMOS campaigns and the instruments will be introduced. Then I will focus on the algorithms for aerosol and cloud classification and the synergetic data products. All will be demonstrated on a case study basis.


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