Środowiskowe Seminarium z Informacji i Technologii Kwantowych
sala 1.03, ul. Pasteura 5
Farid Khalili (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Non-classical light in laser gravitational wave detectors (room changed!!! CENT AULA 00.142)
Quantum mechanics applies a hierarchy of limitations on the precision of optical interferometric measurements. The most well-known one is the Shot Noise Limit (SNL) which originates from the phase fluctuation of the probing light. If the optical power is high enough then perturbation of the mirrors mechanical motion imposed by the light power fluctuations also becomes important, leading to the Standard Quantum Limit (SQL). Methods for suppressing or avoiding these fluctuations based on non-classical states of light are under active development now. The simplest of them, which can overcome the SNL (but not SQL), namely the injection of squeezed light into the interferometer, is already used in the modern gravitational-waves detectors. More sophisticated methods, like frequency-dependent squeezing, are considered for implementation in future detectors. The goal of my talk is to provide a brief review of these projects.