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Seminarium Fizyki Ciała Stałego

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2020-05-15 (10:15) Calendar icon
dr Milan Orlita (Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses-CNRS, Grenoble)

Auger scattering and cyclotron emission of Landau-quantized massless electrons

When a magnetic field is applied to a solid, the continuous density of electronic states transforms into a set of discrete energy levels, known as Landau levels. Electrons excited in such a ladder may recombine, with emission of photons. This process can be viewed as an inverse of cyclotron resonance and it is referred to as 'cyclotron emission'. So far, however, despite many efforts, this appealing concept never progressed to the design of a reliable light-emitting device. This is because of the efficient Auger scattering of Landau-quantized electrons, an intrinsic non-radiative recombination channel that eventually gains over cyclotron emission in all materials studied so far. In this talk, I will discuss Auger scattering processes of Landau-quantized electrons, and possible cyclotron emission, in two different systems with conical bands, in graphene [1] and gapless mercury cadmium telluride [2]. [1] M. Mittendorff et al., Nature Physics 11, 75 (2015).[2] D. B. But et al., Nature Photonics 13, 783 (2019).UwagaSeminarium w trybie zdalnympatrz instrukcja :instrukcja: (pdf file)AttentionThe seminar in the remote modesee instruction :instruction: (pdf file)


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