Seminarium "Teoria cząstek elementarnych i kosmologia"
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Igor Ivanov (CFTP Lisbon)
[ON-LINE] Doing spin physics with unpolarized particles (the seminar takes place on-line only)
Spin physics is an intricate and fascinating chapter in HEP phenomenology. It seems inevitable that, in order to probe spin-parity properties of hadrons and their interactions, one needs either to collide polarized initial particles or to study non-trivial angular distributions in exclusive processes. I will argue that it is possible to probe spin- and parity-dependent observables in inclusive processes with unpolarized particles — provided, they are prepared in a "twisted" state, that is, a non-plane-wave state equipped with a non-zero orbital angular momentum with respect to its propagation direction. Although this proposal cannot be checked at existing accelerators, these novel opportunities represent a compelling scientific case to justify a dedicated work on instrumentation development.