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Seminarium KMMF "Teoria Dwoistości"

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2020-05-28 (10:15) Calendar icon
J. Lange (KMMF)

A Geometric Road to Twisted Poisson Structures

n this talk, I will present an introduction to twisted Poisson structures. First, I will briefly survey Lie and Courant algebroids. I will illustrate both structures via Dirac structures. In a nutshell, a Dirac structure is a Lagrangian subbundle of a generalised tangent bundle satisfying that the space of sections taking values in the aforementioned subbundle is involutive relative to the Dorfman bracket. Following Weinstein and Severa, I will modify the Dorfman bracket via a 3-form, and I will discuss conditions guaranteeing that our modified structure remains a Courant algebroid. In the end, I will define twisted Poisson structures on a manifold and introduce a related Dirac-like structure associated with a modified Dorfman bracket. To attend our online seminar, please use the meeting identificator for Google Meet


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