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Środowiskowe Seminarium z Informacji i Technologii Kwantowych

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2020-10-15 (11:15) Calendar icon
Piotr Migdał & Klem Jankiewicz (Quantum Flytrap)

Virtual optical table & visualizing quantum states and operators [ (Password: EDz2JZ)]

We develop “quantum LEGO bricks” - a virtual lab and a puzzle game. Itcan be used to set the first steps in the quantum world, teach at anylevel, and prototype new experiments. Within this environment, it isalready possible to recreate interference or quantum cryptographyprotocols. It will be possible to show entanglement, Bell test,quantum teleportation, and the many-worlds interpretation. a part of the project, we redesign the notation for quantum states,moving it from static LaTeX to interactive formulae. We have built avisualizer for quantum states and matrices, which you can use in yourcourse (be it an interactive presentation or on your website).


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