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Seminarium KMMF "Teoria Dwoistości"

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2020-10-15 (10:15) Calendar icon
Marcin Zając (KMMF)

Hamilton-Jacobi theory for locally conformal symplectic manifolds

Locally conformal symplectic (lcs) manifolds have a veryinteresting geometry and provide a natural generalisation of asymplectic structure. It turns out that the generic example of a lcsmanifold is given by a cotangent bundle of a manifold, equipped withcertain closedone-form being a pull-back of a one-from on a base manifold. In my talkI will present main features of dynamics on locally conformal symplecticmanifolds and present a geometrical version of Hamilton-Jacobi theory forthis kind of structure. To attend our online seminar, please use the Zoom identificator:


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