Seminarium Optyczne
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mgr Anna Dawid - Łękowska (IFT UW)
Two interacting ultracold molecules in a trap: magnetic properties and quench dynamics
Ultracold polar molecules possess a significantly richer internal structure than atoms and offerstrong dipolar interactions due to their permanent electric dipole moment. These two qualities makethem a highly promising platform for quantum simulations. Numerous applications of ultracoldmolecules have been introduced, but particular interest can be noticed in the field of quantummagnetism. Their rotational states (in which pseudo-spins can be encoded) combined with dipolarinteraction and the possibility of control with microwave fields inspired many proposals realizingvarious quantum magnetism models with polar molecules in optical lattices. We follow anotherapproach, focusing on the bound states of two ultracold polar and paramagnetic molecules in aharmonic trap. We show that various magnetization states arise from the interplay of the molecularinteractions, electronic spins, dipole moments, rotational structures, external fields, and spinrotationcoupling. The rich magnetization diagrams depend primarily on the anisotropy of theintermolecular interaction and the spin-rotation coupling. These specific molecular properties arechallenging to calculate or measure. Therefore, we propose the quench dynamics experiments forextracting them from observing the time evolution of the analyzed system. Results provide newinsight into the rich magnetic properties of ultracold molecules and indicate the possibility tocontrol the molecular few-body magnetization with the external electric field. The chosensimplified system is also the first step towards research on the controlled magnetization of manybodymolecular systems in optical tweezers or optical lattices and their application in quantumsimulation of molecular multichannel many-body Hamiltonians and quantum information storing.Instrukcja obsługi połączenia internetowego znajduje się na stronie: w
Seminarium z użyciem połączenia internetowego ID: ID 97696726563, password: 314297)