Seminarium Optyczne
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dr Jacek Szczepkowski (IF PAN)
Electronic structure of polar dimers - spectroscopic research
Over the last decade a significant increase of interest in polar molecules having a permanentelectric/magnetic dipole moment can be observed from researchers interested in ultracold matterphysics. The long-range nature of dipole interactions and the possibility to control them usingexternal electric or magnetic fields can be used to control chemical reactions in ultracold gas, toprocess quantum information, to study fundamental properties of matter. In order to carry out thatkind of research it is necessary to product a trapped ultracold (~uK/nK) or quantitativelydegenerated gas of polar molecules in the ground rovibrational state. It is usually realised byassociating the molecules from the trapped ultracold atomic gas or by using a method of direct lasercooling of hot molecules. Such methods of production of ultra-cold molecules, as well as furthertransfer to the desired energy state, require a very precise knowledge of their energy structure. Thisknowledge includes information on the energy of certain rovibrational levels of particular states,transition probabilities, i.e. Franck-Condon factors, and transition dipole moments. Thepresentation will discuss the results of spectroscopic studies of the electronic structure of selectedpolar molecules.
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