Seminarium Fizyki Ciała Stałego
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dr Zbigniew Galazka (Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung, Max-Born-Str. 2, 12489 Berlin)
Ultra-wide bandgap oxide semiconductor β-Ga2O3: bulk single crystals, physical properties, and applications
A quest for ultra-wide bandgap materials for UV optoelectronics and power electronics evaluated towards oxide materials called transparent semiconducting oxides (TSOs).One of the TSOs attracting the most scientific and technological attention in the last decade is monoclinic -Ga2O3 (a pseudo-direct bandgap of 4.85 eV, n-type)that can be grown directly from the melt in a large volume, e.g. by the Czochralski method.However, -Ga2O3 is thermally unstable at high temperatures, that in a combination with high melting point of about 1800°C makes the growthof large single crystals of high structural quality really challenging.A wide doping range (four orders of magnitude), relatively high free carrier mobility (around 150 cm2V-1s-1),and wide bandgap make -Ga2O3 a very good candidate for power devices (like SBDs, FETs) in both horizontal and vertical configurations,and for optoelectronic devices (solar and visible blind photodetectors, smoke detectors, etc.).Here, I will discuss particularities of growth of bulk -Ga2O3 single crystals directly from the melt, crystal quality, doping, and basic optical and electrical properties of obtained crystals.UwagaSeminarium w trybie zdalnympatrz instrukcja :instrukcja: (pdf file)AttentionThe seminar in the remote modesee instruction :instruction: (pdf file)