Seminarium Optyczne
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mgr Filip Sośnicki (IFD UW)
Electro-optic shaping of single photon pulses
One of the most important tasks in the field of quantum optics is the ability to fully control singlephotons, meaning controlling them in all degrees of freedom (DoF). While many experimentsdemonstrated control of single photons in polarization or transverse-spatial mode, one still requiresmethods for unitary, phase-only manipulation in the time-frequency DoF. In my presentation, I willshow a method for shaping single photons in time and spectrum by employing electro-optic phasemodulation combined with dispersive propagation. I will show our recent results on tuning singlephoton’scenter wavelength and bandwidth. Especially I will focus on using photonically generatedRF signals achieving very high stability of the modulation in the course of 24h. I will show alsoemploying complex phase modulation patterns for spectrally compressing single photons by morethan 2 orders of magnitude down to hundreds of MHz of spectral width.
Seminarium z użyciem połączenia internetowego ID: ID 97696726563, password: 314297)