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Seminarium Optyczne

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2021-03-04 (10:15) Calendar icon
dr Piotr Hańczyc (IFD UW)

Laser spectroscopy methods for detection of aggregated proteins and peptides doped with fluorescent markers

There is currently no definitive test for early detection of neurodegeneration which is linked withprotein aggregation. Finding methods capable of detecting the intermediate states of proteinaggregates, named oligomers, is critical for the early-stage diagnosis of over 30 neurodegenerativediseases including Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s.Improved understanding of amyloid structures and functions is crucial for the diagnosis andtreatment of these diseases. Fluorescence-based spectroscopy provides indispensable tools inamyloid research.Currently, fluorescence-based imaging using intrinsic protein chromophores or organic dyes isthe gold standard for detecting protein aggregation. It is used to detect aggregation in vitro and invarious tissues including the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), whereby the disease-related proteinrecombinant is seeded with the patient’s fluid. The major drawback is the lack of technology thatwould be sensitive to the oligomeric forms of protein aggregates.It is possible to overcome this limitation by amplifying the signal in organic dyes in theprocess of stimulated emission. By monitoring the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) it ispossible to achieve better recognition sensitivity to pre-fibrillar amyloid oligomeric forms than instandard fluorescence test.ASE can detect and differentiate amyloid oligomers and by that means it could be possible toevaluate the risk levels of neurodegenerative diseases to potential patients before the clinicalsymptoms occur.
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