Środowiskowe Seminarium z Informacji i Technologii Kwantowych
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Alexander Lvovsky (University of Oxford)
Neural networks for optics and optics for neural networks
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/6526721604?pwd=Y0pPdE9vT1hNWWNiZVBMaEVOeHN2dz09
Optics and machine learning are natural symbionts. I will present three examples of how these fields can benefit each other based on our recent experimental work: optical neural networks and their all-optical training, robotic alignment of optical experiments, application of machine learning in linear-optical far-field superresolution imaging.
Optics and machine learning are natural symbionts. I will present three examples of how these fields can benefit each other based on our recent experimental work: optical neural networks and their all-optical training, robotic alignment of optical experiments, application of machine learning in linear-optical far-field superresolution imaging.