Seminarium Fizyki Materii Skondensowanej
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Annabelle Bohrdt [TU Munich, ITAMP and Havard] and Fabian Grusdt [LMU Munich]
Parton dynamics and Regge trajectories of rotational meson states in strongly correlated quantum systems
Recent experimental advances, both in solids as well as quantum simulators, allow unprecedented microscopic studies of the structure of strongly correlated quantum matter. In the Fermi-Hubbard model, believed to underly high-Tc superconductivity, this allows to revisit a decades-old idea that strongly interacting electrons may fractionalize into partons — loosely speaking, the analogues of quarks in high-energy physics — called spinons and chargons. In this talk we will give an overview of recent theoretical and experimental results supporting this parton picture. We start by studying the dynamics of partons in one and two dimensions, with a particular focus on their detection in state-of-the-art quantum simulators. Then we propose a multi-photon extension of ARPES spectroscopy, applicable in solids or cold-atom platforms, and demonstrate how it allows to reveal hitherto unknown long-lived rotational meson states in the two-dimensional t-J model. Our finding is supported by state-of-the-art time-dependent DMRG simulations. Join Zoom Meeting ID: 836 8689 9432Passcode: cond-matt