Seminarium Optyczne
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Jakub Ratajczak (Centrum Nowych Technologii UW)
The dark form of matter: on optical transmittance of ultra-diluted gas
This talk discusses a model of optical transmittance of ultra-diluted gas. The model considersindividual gas particles' non-locality, the quantum effect of wave function spreading derived fromsolving the Schrödinger equation for a free particle. I indicate some quantitative and qualitativeconsequences of this model. One of them is that measured transmittance depends on the detectorsize. Namely, for small detectors, such a gas's optical transmittance increases significantly, up to100%, compared to the classical predictions. I show the connection with classical models byderiving the Beer–Lambert law equation within its applicability range.The second part of the talk describes a conducted experiment that measures gas transmittance inparallel with a pair of detectors with different diameters ranging from 2 to 200 μm. We used aTunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy type system. The transmittance of ∼0.01 mbar watervapor on NIR absorption line 1.3686 μm was measured using the ~61.6 m long multi-pass cellplaced inside the ∼300 l vacuum chamber. I discuss results that are in agreement with the model.Dark and thin interstellar and intergalactic regions seem to be natural regions for such a gas. In thisregard, the talk concludes by indicating the possible related astrophysical phenomena, includingdark matter. I also show the impact on interpretations of quantum mechanics.
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