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String Theory Journal Club

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2021-04-20 (11:00) Calendar icon
Shi Cheng (IFT UW)

Mixed Chern-Simons levels and strip geometry for abelian 3d N=2

Following the logic of knot-quiver correspondence, it can be conjectured that unknot on strip geometry (strip Calabi-Yau manifold) corresponds to a 3d N=2 theory with gauge group U(1) * U(1) * ···* U(1) and mixed CS levels. However, it is well known in literature that strip geometry engineers a 3d N=2 theory with gauge group U (1) and some flavors. How could it be possible that the same geometry gives rise to two seemly different theories? We will show that these two different theories are actually dual to each other by mirror symmetry. We derive this result by using sphere partition functions and vortex partition functions. If time permits, we will discuss the correspondence between mixed CS levels and strip geometry. This presentation is based on and work in progress. Link:


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