Środowiskowe Seminarium z Informacji i Technologii Kwantowych
sala 1.03, ul. Pasteura 5
Nathan Shettell (CNRS, Sorbonne Universite, Paris)
Cryptographically enhanced Quantum Metrology
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/6526721604?pwd=Y0pPdE9vT1hNWWNiZVBMaEVOeHN2dz09
Quantum metrology is widely accepted as one of the most advanced pillars of quantum information, where quantum effects lead to enhanced precision measurements of unknown quantities. On the other hand, quantum cryptography uses quantum systems to detect and avoid the effects of malicious behaviour. In the future, where quantum devices are more accessible, and quantum tasks are delegated to third parties, it is natural to want to combine these fields, to ensure that any quantum metrology process occurs in a secure manner. In this seminar, I will discuss the framework of quantum metrology enhanced with quantum cryptography. In particular, I will show that the performance from a metrology perspective can be directly linked to the soundness of a cryptographic protocol. Additionally, I discuss the cryptographic protocols we developed in [Shettell-Kashefi-Markham 2021] for quantum metrology in the presence of a malicious adversary.
Quantum metrology is widely accepted as one of the most advanced pillars of quantum information, where quantum effects lead to enhanced precision measurements of unknown quantities. On the other hand, quantum cryptography uses quantum systems to detect and avoid the effects of malicious behaviour. In the future, where quantum devices are more accessible, and quantum tasks are delegated to third parties, it is natural to want to combine these fields, to ensure that any quantum metrology process occurs in a secure manner. In this seminar, I will discuss the framework of quantum metrology enhanced with quantum cryptography. In particular, I will show that the performance from a metrology perspective can be directly linked to the soundness of a cryptographic protocol. Additionally, I discuss the cryptographic protocols we developed in [Shettell-Kashefi-Markham 2021] for quantum metrology in the presence of a malicious adversary.