Środowiskowe Seminarium z Informacji i Technologii Kwantowych
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Ofer Firstenberg (Weizmann Institute)
Quantum nonlinear optics with Rydberg atoms
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/6526721604?pwd=Y0pPdE9vT1hNWWNiZVBMaEVOeHN2dz09
Optical nonlinearities at the few-photon level bring together the fields of quantum optics and nonlinear optics. This regime, so-called quantum nonlinear optics, is described by effective strong interactions between individual photons. I will introduce the basic concepts and the original experiments realizing this regime using ultracold Rydberg atoms. I will overview recent achievements and outstanding proposals, including photon crystallization and the generation of photonic cluster states.
Optical nonlinearities at the few-photon level bring together the fields of quantum optics and nonlinear optics. This regime, so-called quantum nonlinear optics, is described by effective strong interactions between individual photons. I will introduce the basic concepts and the original experiments realizing this regime using ultracold Rydberg atoms. I will overview recent achievements and outstanding proposals, including photon crystallization and the generation of photonic cluster states.