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Seminarium Optyczne

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2021-05-06 (10:15) Calendar icon
prof. Roee Ozeri (Weizmann Institute of Science)

Quantum-Logic detection of atom-ion collisions

Ultracold atom-ion mixtures have recently emerged as a novel system in quantum physics research.I’ll describe experiments in which, by leveraging on the high fidelity quantum control of trappedions,we studied different elastic and inelastic processes in atom-ion collisions. The former resultsinnon-equilibrium energy distributions and the later includes the study of spin, charge andexcitation exchange. We furthermore developed a method to precisely control atom-ion collisionenergy by transporting a cloud atoms, trapped in an optical lattice, across a single trapped-ion.The exquisite quantum control of some trapped ions enables the investigation of the ionexternal and internal degrees of freedom following a collision. However, not all ions are amenableto high fidelity quantum control. In order to investigate the collision dynamics of such ions withneutral atoms, we have used a technique similar to quantum-logic spectroscopy. We used a highlycontrollablequantum logic ion to study the collision dynamics of an uncontrollable target ion withultracold atoms. This technique opens the possibility for the study of interactions between ultracoldatoms and practically all species of atoms and molecules.
Seminarium z użyciem połączenia internetowego ID: ID 97696726563, password: 314297)


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