Seminarium "Teoria cząstek elementarnych i kosmologia"
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Quentin Bonnefoy (DESY Hamburg)
Collective properties of CP violation in the SMEFT
I will discuss CP violation in the SMEFT at dimension-six, with a focus on the collective properties in the fermion sector. After first reviewing the collective nature of CP breaking in the SM (and beyond), I will introduce a set of flavour invariants in one-to-one correspondance with the CP phases which can enter observables at leading order. Then, I will use these invariants to discuss collective properties in the SMEFT, with an eye towards observables such as fermion EDMs. One important outcome is that the magnitude of CP violation can be larger than in the SM even when a single CP phase remains in the model (namely, that of the CKM matrix). Finally, I will discuss the matching with invariants from UV theories.
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