Seminarium "Modeling of Complex Systems"
sala 1.03, ul. Pasteura 5
dr Krzysztof Jachymski (IFT UW)
An introduction to quantum simulation
Join Zoom Meeting ID: 994 2709 9542Passcode: 3UQGcF
Quantum computers are often advertised as devices that canrevolutionize the society. However, the capability of near-termquantum devices is strongly limited by decoherence, operation errorsand low number of qubits. Quantum simulators, which do not aim to beuniversal, but rather focus on specific physical problems, are lessprone to errors and can offer better scaling. This research fieldcombines multiple disciplines, both very fundamental and more applied.In my talk, I would like to explain why this approach is needed,discuss some problems, for which quantum simulation can be a helpfultool and showcase physical platforms which are promising for thispurpose.