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Seminarium KMMF "Teoria Dwoistości"

sala 2.23, ul. Pasteura 5
2021-11-18 (10:15) Calendar icon
Hermann Nicolai (​Albert Einstein Institut​e)

Observations on supermembrane theory

The maximally supersymmetric supermembrane theory in space-time dimension D = 11 is a model ‘beyond’ string theory that incorporatesD = 11 supergravity as a `low energy limit', and is thus a candidate theory for a non-perturbative formulation of superstring theory. In thistalk I will review some basic features, in particular the reformulationof this theory as a one-dimensional gauge theory of area preserving diffeomorphisms, which naturally leads to the matrix model of M theory.I will also mention very recent work (arXiv:2109.00346) to argue thatthis framework allows for a systematic investigation of the small andlarge tension limits of this theory.


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