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Seminarium Fizyki Jądra Atomowego

sala 1.01, ul. Pasteura 5
2021-11-18 (10:15) Calendar icon
dr hab. Władysław Trzaska (Uniwersytet w Jyväskylä, Finlandia)

Dark Matter or Doesn’t Matter

In my talk, I’ll present the puzzling outcome of the new analysis of the neutron multiplicity spectra obtained over the past two decades by several underground experiments. The measurements, performed by different groups, at different depths, with different equipment, yield persistent anomalous structures with comparable cross-sections, rates, and multiplicities. The nature of the anomalies remains unclear, but, in principle, they may be a signature of self-annihilation of a Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP) with a mass close to 13 GeV/c2. With that assumption, the expected cross-section would be around 10-42 cm2 for Spin-Dependent or 10-46 cm2 for Spin Independent interactions. We propose verifying this hypothesis by collecting an order of magnitude more data with an upgraded NEMESIS setup. Based on the statistical uncertainty, analysis of the event rate indicates that cross-section limits for DM mass range in the vicinity of 3-40 GeV/c2 can be investigated with such a setup.
The first results of our investigations were presented at ICRC 2021 and TAUP 2021 conferences. The proceedings are in print. There is also a 12-minute YouTube video showing the experimental setup and briefly introducing the outcome of the measurements:

Jednocześnie informujemy, że seminarium 11 listopada, (przeniesione na 10 listopada), nie odbędzie się


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