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Seminarium "Teoria cząstek elementarnych i kosmologia"

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2021-11-25 (12:15) Calendar icon
Andrzej Hryczuk (NCBJ)

Freeze-in of Dark Matter: recent developments

In this talk I will discuss the freeze-in dark matter paradigm focusing on various recent new ideas and observations regarding this production mechanism. In particular, after broader pedagogical introduction, I will present a novel scenario based on the freeze-in through semi-production, i.e. the inverse semi-annihilation processes. Its peculiar feature is that the production rate is suppressed by a small initial abundance of dark matter and consequently creating the observed relic density requires much larger coupling values than for the usual freeze-in. Even up to a point of leading to prospects for indirect detection searches, a rather surprising property given how difficult it is to detect dark matter in the typical freeze-in paradigm.



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