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Środowiskowe Seminarium z Informacji i Technologii Kwantowych

sala 1.03, ul. Pasteura 5
2021-12-02 (11:15) Calendar icon
Nicolas Gigena (IFT UW)

Computable and operationally meaningful multipartite entanglement measures

The Seminar will take a HYBRID form. It will take place in room 1.03 but will be simmultaneously tranmitted via ZOOM under the following link: (Passcode: R6Vx6E)

Multipartite entanglement is a key resource for quantum communication, quantum computing and quantum cryptography. Therefore, efficiently quantifying and characterizing multipartite entanglement is of paramount importance. In this work we introduce a family of multipartite entanglement measures called "concentratable entanglements" that includes, as special cases, previously defined entanglement measures. We prove that all quantities in the family are non-increasing under Local Operations and Classical Communication (LOCC) and provide an operational meaning for them in terms of probabilistic concentration of entanglement into Bell pairs. Finally, we show that these quantities can be estimated on a quantum computer by implementing a parallelized SWAP test, opening a research direction for measuring multipartite entanglement measures on quantum devices.


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