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Środowiskowe Seminarium z Informacji i Technologii Kwantowych

sala 1.03, ul. Pasteura 5
2021-12-16 (11:15) Calendar icon
Giovanni Scala (IFT UW)

Entanglement witnesses: overview of the technique and a new construction

The Seminar will take a HYBRID form. It will take place in room 1.03 but will be simmultaneously tranmitted via ZOOM under the following link: (Passcode: R6Vx6E)

In Entanglement theory, it is still open the question if a given quantum state is separable or entangled. To tackle this problem many separability criteria have been derived in the last decades. In this talk, we discuss the mathematical methods that have been developed to detect entanglement, as well as the state of the art of the problem, and we introduce our promising multipartite separability criteria based on the correlation tensor.Specifically, via the correlation tensor we construct the related entanglement witnesses and show how they unifies known criteria as the realignment criterion, the De Vincente’s criterion, the SIC-POVM criterion and the others. Interestingly, our criteria is linear in the density operator, and thus, we find an unexplored classes of entanglement witnesses.


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