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Środowiskowe Seminarium z Informacji i Technologii Kwantowych

sala 1.03, ul. Pasteura 5
2022-01-13 (11:15) Calendar icon
Jan Chwedeńćzuk (IFT UW)

Many-body nonlocality as a resource for quantum-enhanced metrology

The Seminar will take a HYBRID form. It will take place in room 1.03 but will be simmultaneously tranmitted via ZOOM under the following link: (Passcode: R6Vx6E)

In this talk I will argue that the strongest quantum correlation, manifested by a many-body nonlocality, is a resource for ultra-precise metrology. I will show that the sensitivity of a quantum sensor can be expressed in terms of many-body correlation functions (such that witness the nonlocality) of all orders. I will illustrate this general result with some prominent examples, such as a collection of spins forming an Ising chain or a gas of ultra-cold bosons in any two-mode configuration.


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