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Seminarium Teorii Względności i Grawitacji

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2022-01-21 (11:15) Calendar icon
Klaus Liegener (TUM, Munich)

Towards semiclassical cosmology in Loop Quantum Gravity

Unravelling the quantum modifications to the early cosmos is of the grand challenges for Quantum Gravity. With this goal in mind several techniques were developed to prepared the necessary mathematical backbone. In this talk we will expand on two of them: Classical symmetry restriction and quantum speed limit for coherent states:Symmetry restriction enables to determine in the Hamiltonian formulation whether a symmetric configuration will keep its symmetry during evolution. Will explain the theory behind it and apply it to classical General Relativity which can be restricted to cosmological configurations of Robertson-Walker type.Meanwhile, on the quantum level coherent states can be used to mimic such symmetric configurations and merging the program of expectation values in coherent states with the Quantum Speed Limit yields necessary consistency checks for any proposal of stable families of states. To showcase the strength of the developed tools, they are applied to a prominent model: the Euclidean part of the quantum scalar constraint in cosmology. There will be broadcast in room 1.40


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